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da void, toolboxearth, original handwade fiber wall art

da void, 2025


materials include:

-steel hoop

-deconstructed cotton fabrics from the wasteshed

-bike tube border from working bikes


measures 20ish" in diameter

a fabric strip has been securely attached to the back of the original art work as hanging hardware.


find a place within the void

find a place to find safety


your new original piece of meditative wall art will be packed and shipped lovingly in recycled materials


if you are a neighbor in Chicago and would like to pick-up your weaving and chat, please reach out


if you aren't a neighbor and would still like a chat, also please feel free to extend a virtual hand


with love and hope,

as a breadcrumb to a new world,


fiber art that's there for you

da void, toolboxearth, original handwade fiber wall art


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