Dear Reader,
Below is a progression,
alongside a song.

If that nurse don't get you, then her sister will
With her Monday through Sunday dispenser of pills
Don't know which of my habits will be my demise
But there's more ways, everyday, to betray what is wise

It troubles a body
All this hidden pollution
Making some kinda cancer
A foregone conclusion
And deep in my saddlebags
I carry a rage
For the greedy top feeders
And their invisible cage

Oh, rise the proletariat
Red banners unfurled
Let's mend the failures of history
And the man-made world

Let's mend the failures of the profit system
Let's rewrite the law books
Quit following the path of least resistance
Cuz that's what makes the river crooked

Let's evolve into our true nature
So little flowers can bloom

In a world where relationship is sacred
And sacrifice is assumed
All for one and one for all
Boom chicka boom boom boom

There's just too many distractions
Too many coming attractions
Too many screens fiercely flashing
Their subliminal frame
It's no wonder we all just go along
Hungry as we are, just to belong
It's no wonder we're all crazy
It's amazing we're not all the same

You're gonna die way too early
Or you're gonna live way too long
It's kinda like it always was
Except the quiet is gone

Proving technology gets you nowhere
If your intentions are all wrong

And for clarity of vision
We need a pulsing polarity of vision
It is our singularity of vision
That got us to this place

Without equal and opposite forces
We will only ever know a distortion
We will never hit our resonant frequency
We will never find grace

Our roots are meant to be interwoven
Not churned up and turned upside down
Turn off your combustion engine
And listen to the sound

Get down off your tractor, mister
And put your nose to the ground

Out where the topsoil welcomes a heavy rain
Out where the shoreline can handle a hurricane
Out where god and nature are the same
A mind can think clear

As far as engines of evolution
Cooperation trumps competition
And if I were Darwin's girlfriend
I would've whispered that in his ear

I think we should have a new bible
One that only has two words
I think we should have a new bible
That just says: MOTHER EARTH
And I think men should stand down,
When women give birth

But if that nurse don't get you, then her sister will
With her Monday through Sunday dispenser of pills
Don't know which of my habits will be my demise
But there's more ways, everyday, to betray what is wise
a track from the upcoming album, unprecedented sh!t, available may 17th
Look to find dear Reader-
With dirty fingernails,